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HWS Logo IT Services

IT Services

Our IT services include a wide range of services, such as IT infrastructure management, network and server management, cloud computing, data security, data analysis, IT support and training. We offer you customized solutions that are perfectly tailored to the requirements of your business.


Our IT consulting includes professional advice on all questions of IT strategy, architecture and organization. We support you in selecting the right technologies, optimizing your IT processes and implementing your digitization strategy. Together we bring your IT to the next level or into the cloud.

Software development

Our software development focuses on the programming languages Java, .Net and Python. We offer individual software solutions, from planning and development to implementation and maintenance. Our experienced developers guarantee high quality and flexibility to implement your requirements optimally.

Some examples of satisfied HWS customers

AXA Versicherung IT Partner der HWS
Kundenreferenz IT Partner Druckerei Schmidt
Datev IT Partner der HWS
NKD IT Service Partner Logo
Siemens Healthineers IT Service Partner
Rehau IT Service Partner der HWS
Waschbaer Service Partner IT
Semikron IT Service Partner der HWS

Why HWS?

HWS offers customized IT services that are precisely tailored to customers’ needs. The NPS score of over 85 shows that our customers are extremely satisfied with our services. Our holistic delivery management philosophy ensures that we always guarantee fast and effective implementation and keep your goals in mind. Choose HWS and benefit from our experience and expertise.

Dafür steht HWS

Customer Focused

Our company value "Customer Focused" means that the customer is at the center of everything we do.

We are committed to ensuring that each customer receives individual support and that we develop customized solutions together.

We are proud that our customers value us as a reliable partner who understands their needs and always delivers the best results.

Adapt to Change

Our company value 'Adapt to change' means constant innovation and adaptation to new challenges. Flexibility allows us to stay up-to-date and always offer optimal solutions. Our search for new ideas and technologies promotes continuous improvement for the customer advantage


We rely on open communication and maintain a trusting working relationship with our customers and partners.

We earn the trust of our customers and employees through high quality and reliability in all our business processes and decisions.


We believe in an inclusive work culture in which every employee can contribute and develop their strengths and talents. At the HWS Group, we are convinced that cooperation between different personalities and cultures leads to greater creativity and innovative solutions. Our company currently employs people from over 26 nations.

Contribute to Society

Our corporate value "Contribute to society" is an important part of our corporate philosophy. We see it as our responsibility to make a positive contribution to society. That is why we are committed to being a regional training company and are committed to sustainability and environmental protection. We are convinced that we as a company play an important role in shaping a better future and are therefore actively committed to this.


The HWS Group is a provider of IT services and consulting for companies of all sizes. We rely on agile methods and modern technologies to develop innovative and future-proof solutions for our customers.

  1. Tailored IT Services:
    Our tailor-made IT services include software development, IT consulting and IT services. We rely on technologies such as Java, .Net and Python to offer our customers individual solutions.

  2. Focus on customer satisfaction:
    We place great value on customer satisfaction and our NPS score of over 85 reflects this. We work closely with our customers to understand their individual requirements and develop tailored solutions.

  3. Long-term customer relationships and employee retention:
    We maintain long-term customer relationships and support our customers in meeting their business needs. As an attractive employer, we build long-term relationships with our employees in order to be able to deploy qualified and experienced personnel for our customer projects.

The HWS Group is a provider of IT services and consulting for companies of all sizes. We rely on agile methods and modern technologies to develop innovative and future-proof solutions for our customers.

  1. Tailored IT Services:
    Our tailor-made IT services include software development, IT consulting and IT services. We rely on technologies such as Java, .Net and Python to offer our customers individual solutions.


  2. Focus on customer satisfaction:
    We place great value on customer satisfaction and our NPS score of over 85 reflects this. We work closely with our customers to understand their individual requirements and develop tailored solutions.


  3. Long-term customer relationships and employee retention:
    We maintain long-term customer relationships and support our customers in meeting their business needs. As an attractive employer, we build long-term relationships with our employees in order to be able to deploy qualified and experienced personnel for our customer projects.

Focus on efficiency and automation

At HWS Gruppe, our focus is on developing efficient and future-proof IT solutions. We rely on modern technologies and automation to increase customer satisfaction and optimize processes.

1 – Efficient IT solutions:

Our experienced IT experts develop efficient solutions tailored to the specific requirements of our customers. We rely on agile methods and state-of-the-art technologies to achieve fast and future-proof results.

2 – Focus on customer satisfaction:

We are committed to ensuring that our customers are satisfied with our solutions and services. Our customer reviews show that we operate at a high level. We work closely with our customers and take their requirements seriously to develop individual solutions.

3 – Automation for optimized processes:

We use automation to optimize processes and increase efficiency. We rely on innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate processes and minimize manual activities. This saves our customers time and resources.


At HWS Gruppe, our focus is on developing efficient and future-proof IT solutions. We rely on modern technologies and automation to increase customer satisfaction and optimize processes.

1 – Efficient IT solutions:

Our experienced IT experts develop efficient solutions tailored to the specific requirements of our customers. We rely on agile methods and state-of-the-art technologies to achieve fast and future-proof results.

2 – Focus on customer satisfaction:

We are committed to ensuring that our customers are satisfied with our solutions and services. Our customer reviews show that we operate at a high level. We work closely with our customers and take their requirements seriously to develop individual solutions.

3 – Automation for optimized processes:

We use automation to optimize processes and increase efficiency. We rely on innovative technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning to automate processes and minimize manual activities. This saves our customers time and resources.

Continuous service improvement

At the HWS Gruppe, we work according to the proven ITIL framework to continuously improve service quality. In doing so, we rely on clear processes and uniform standards to ensure high service quality and customer satisfaction. Our employees are trained accordingly and bring their ITIL know-how to bear in their work. With our focus on Continuous Service Improvement according to ITIL, we ensure that we always provide our customers with the best possible service.

  • Servicequalität: We are constantly working to improve the quality of our service in order to provide our customers with a first-class service that meets their expectations.


  • Prozessoptimierung: We optimize our processes to increase our efficiency and enhance customer satisfaction. We use modern technologies and agile methods to work quickly and purposefully.


  • Innovation: We focus on continuous innovation to always offer our customers the latest and most innovative solutions. In doing so, we pursue a long-term strategy and rely on future-proof technologies. With our focus on Continuous Service I

Wir arbeiten bei der HWS Gruppe nach dem bewährten ITIL-Framework, um die Servicequalität kontinuierlich zu verbessern. Dabei setzen wir auf klare Prozesse und einheitliche Standards, um eine hohe Servicequalität und Kundenzufriedenheit sicherzustellen. Unsere Mitarbeiter sind entsprechend geschult und bringen ihr ITIL-Know-how in die Arbeit mit ein. Mit unserem Fokus auf Continuous Service Improvement nach ITIL stellen wir sicher, dass wir unseren Kunden stets den bestmöglichen Service bieten.

  • Servicequalität:
    Wir arbeiten ständig daran, die Qualität unseres Services zu verbessern, um unseren Kunden einen erstklassigen Service zu bieten, der ihren Erwartungen entspricht.
  • Prozessoptimierung:
    Wir optimieren unsere Prozesse, um unsere Effizienz zu steigern und die Kundenzufriedenheit zu erhöhen. Wir nutzen moderne Technologien und agile Methoden, um schnell und zielgerichtet zu arbeiten.
  • Innovation:
    Wir setzen auf kontinuierliche Innovation, um unseren Kunden stets die neuesten und innovativsten Lösungen anzubieten. Wir verfolgen dabei eine langfristige Strategie und setzen auf zukunftssichere Technologien. Mit unserem Fokus auf Continuous Service Improvement stellen wir sicher, dass wir unseren Kunden stets den bestmöglichen Service bieten.
HWS IT Jobs Neustadt

Lvl+ Up for your career!

The HWS Group is an attractive employer for anyone who wants to make a career in the IT industry. We offer a wide range of interesting tasks in the areas of IT Services.

Software Development and IT Consulting. Our employees are encouraged and supported so that they can develop their full potential. We offer flexible working hours, opportunities for further training and an open working atmosphere where everyone can contribute their ideas. With us, you can advance your career and become part of a successful team.

IT Service Spezialisten
HWS IT Jobs Neustadt

Lvl+ Up für deine Karriere!

Die HWS Gruppe ist ein attraktiver Arbeitgeber für alle, die in der IT-Branche Karriere machen möchten. Wir bieten ein breites Spektrum an interessanten Aufgaben in den Bereichen IT Services, Softwareentwicklung und IT-Consulting. Unsere Mitarbeiter werden gefördert und unterstützt, damit sie ihr volles Potenzial entfalten können. Wir bieten flexible Arbeitszeiten, Weiterbildungsmöglichkeiten und eine offene Arbeitsatmosphäre, in der jeder seine Ideen einbringen kann. Bei uns können Sie Ihre Karriere vorantreiben und Teil eines erfolgreichen Teams werden.

HWS Certificate

At the HWS Group, certifications are not only practiced on paper. We are proud of our sustainability and our focus on the security of our information structure. That’s why our customers and employees trust us.

HWS Blog

The HWS Blog informs about news in the IT world, new IT services of the HWS Gruppe and offers tips & tricks for people with IT in their blood.

Contact us

Do you have any questions about our products and services? Contact us via our form. We offer a wide range of IT services, IT consulting and Software development. Your concerns are important to us and we look forward to hearing from you. Simply contact us for an initial consultation or if you have any questions about our services.

Please use our careers portal to enquire about vacancies or internships.

HWS Gruppe - Your reliable partner for IT services and software development

HWS Gruppe is a provider of IT services, IT consulting and software development. With a focus on efficiency, customer satisfaction and automation, we offer our customers tailored solutions to their IT challenges. Our experienced experts work closely with our clients to ensure optimal implementation and achieve continuous service improvements.

We pride ourselves on having built long-standing client relationships and are committed to a holistic delivery management philosophy. Our IT consultants work according to ITIL and ensure a smooth integration of new IT solutions into existing systems. Feel free to contact us for a no-obligation consultation and let us work together to optimize your IT strategy.

HWS Gruppe is a provider of IT services, IT consulting and software development. With a focus on efficiency, customer satisfaction and automation, we offer our customers tailored solutions to their IT challenges. Our experienced experts work closely with our clients to ensure optimal implementation and achieve continuous service improvements.


We pride ourselves on having built long-standing client relationships and are committed to a holistic delivery management philosophy. Our IT consultants work according to ITIL and ensure a smooth integration of new IT solutions into existing systems. Feel free to contact us for a no-obligation consultation and let us work together to optimize your IT strategy.


Professional consulting for your IT projects

As an experienced IT service provider, the HWS Gruppe offers professional IT consulting services to help companies successfully implement their IT projects. Our experts work closely with our customers to develop individual solutions tailored to specific business needs.

  • Analysis of business processes and requirements: We identify weak points in your IT infrastructure and develop customized solutions to improve your business processes.


  • Implementation of IT strategies: our consultants support the creation of IT strategies that are aligned with business objectives and ensure an effective IT infrastructure.


  • Implementation and integration: We support the implementation of IT systems and ensure that they are seamlessly integrated into your existing IT infrastructure.

As an experienced IT service provider, the HWS Gruppe offers professional IT consulting services to help companies successfully implement their IT projects. Our experts work closely with our customers to develop individual solutions tailored to specific business needs.

  • Analysis of business processes and requirements: We identify weak points in your IT infrastructure and develop customized solutions to improve your business processes.
  • Implementation of IT strategies: our consultants support the creation of IT strategies that are aligned with business objectives and ensure an effective IT infrastructure.
  • Implementation and integration: We support the implementation of IT systems and ensure that they are seamlessly integrated into your existing IT infrastructure.

Software development

Customized software development

HWS Gruppe specializes in the development of customized software solutions for companies. We offer a variety of technologies and programming languages to ensure that our customers’ requirements are optimally met.

  • Application development: We develop custom software solutions tailored to the specific needs of our customers. These include desktop, web and mobile applications.
  • Quality assurance: Our developers work closely with our testers to ensure that the developed software meets the highest quality standards.
  • Maintenance and support: We provide comprehensive maintenance and support for the software we develop to ensure it is always up to date and running smoothly.

HWS Gruppe specializes in the development of customized software solutions for companies. We offer a variety of technologies and programming languages to ensure that our customers’ requirements are optimally met.

  • Application development: We develop custom software solutions tailored to the specific needs of our customers. These include desktop, web and mobile applications.
  • Quality assurance: Our developers work closely with our testers to ensure that the developed software meets the highest quality standards.
  • Maintenance and support: We provide comprehensive maintenance and support for the software we develop to ensure it is always up to date and running smoothly.


Efficient and reliable IT services

The HWS Gruppe offers a wide range of IT services tailored to the needs of our customers. We work closely with our customers to provide an efficient and reliable IT infrastructure.

  • IT infrastructure management: We take over the management and maintenance of your IT infrastructure and ensure that it is always up to date.


  • Cloud solutions: We offer cloud-based solutions to optimize your business process and improve scalability.


  • IT Support: We offer 24/7 IT support to ensure that your IT infrastructure runs smoothly at all times.

The HWS Gruppe offers a wide range of IT services tailored to the needs of our customers. We work closely with our customers to provide an efficient and reliable IT infrastructure.

  • IT infrastructure management: We take over the management and maintenance of your IT infrastructure and ensure that it is always up to date.
  • Cloud solutions: We offer cloud-based solutions to optimize your business process and improve scalability.
  • IT Support: We offer 24/7 IT support to ensure that your IT infrastructure runs smoothly at all times.

IT Security

Your IT infrastructure is in safe hands with us

In an increasingly digitalized world, IT security is becoming more and more important. With our IT security services, we offer you comprehensive protection for your systems and data. Our experienced experts ensure that you can concentrate on your core competencies while we take care of your IT infrastructure.

  • Risk analysis and security consulting


  • Implementation of firewall and antivirus solutions


  • Network monitoring and emergency management

In an increasingly digitalized world, IT security is becoming more and more important. With our IT security services, we offer you comprehensive protection for your systems and data. Our experienced experts ensure that you can concentrate on your core competencies while we take care of your IT infrastructure.

  • Risk analysis and security consulting
  • Implementation of firewall and antivirus solutions
  • Network monitoring and emergency management

Cloud Computing


Using cloud computing services is one of the most effective ways to optimize your IT infrastructure. By outsourcing data and applications to the cloud, you can save costs while benefiting from greater flexibility and scalability. We offer comprehensive consulting and implementation of cloud solutions tailored to your specific business requirements.

  • Cloud strategy consulting and planning
  • Implementation of cloud platforms such as AWS or Microsoft Azure
  • Cloud-Migration und Management

Using cloud computing services is one of the most effective ways to optimize your IT infrastructure. By outsourcing data and applications to the cloud, you can save costs while benefiting from greater flexibility and scalability. We offer comprehensive consulting and implementation of cloud solutions tailored to your specific business requirements.

  • Cloud strategy consulting and planning
  • Implementation of cloud platforms such as AWS or Microsoft Azure
  • Cloud-Migration und Management


Faster time-to-market through effective DevOps methods

DevOps is a combination of software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) that aims to achieve faster time-to-market for software products. By using agile methods and automation, we can ensure higher quality and efficiency in software development. We support you in the implementation of DevOps methods and tools to accelerate your development processes and improve your software quality.

  • Implementierung von Continuous Integration (CI) und Continuous Deployment (CD)
  • Automation of test and deployment processes 
  • Education and training in agile methods and DevOps tools

DevOps is a combination of software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops) that aims to achieve faster time-to-market for software products. By using agile methods and automation, we can ensure higher quality and efficiency in software development. We support you in the implementation of DevOps methods and tools to accelerate your development processes and improve your software quality.

  • Implementierung von Continuous Integration (CI) und Continuous Deployment (CD)
  • Automation of test and deployment processes 
  • Education and training in agile methods and DevOps tools


Explore our product line consisting of the advanced IAM solution DoubleClue and our mainframe emulation.

HWS is looking for you

We are always looking for motivated talents who want to help shape our company. With us, you can expect challenging work in IT and a dynamic, inclusive corporate culture.


Find out who we are and what drives us. Immerse yourself and discover our passion for technology, innovation and excellence, made in Franconia