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Ransomware, also known as extortion software or encryption trojans, is a type of malware that encrypts data on computers, rendering it inaccessible, and demands a ransom for its decryption. The term “ransomware” is derived from the English word “ransom.” This malware uses various methods to infiltrate systems, such as disguising itself as harmless email attachments from seemingly trustworthy sources like mobile service providers or delivery companies. Attacks can also occur through infected websites. The embedded malicious codes in these attachments or websites, once activated, encrypt the data on the device, preventing the user from accessing important files or the entire system.


A characteristic feature of ransomware is that it often demands payment in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin to ensure the anonymity of the attackers. However, there is no guarantee that the data will be decrypted after the ransom is paid. Therefore, experts recommend taking preventive measures: installing and regularly updating security software, critically examining email attachments, and routinely backing up data are essential to protect against the threat of ransomware.


Ransomware can be divided into two main types: “screen lockers,” which block access to the computer by locking the screen, and “file encrypters,” which encrypt files on the device. Some of the most well-known examples of ransomware include Cryptolocker, Wanna Cry, GermanWiper, Ordinypt Wiper, EternalRocks, Locky, and Satana. Cryptolocker, in particular, has gained such notoriety that its name is often used synonymously with ransomware in general. The variety and sophistication of ransomware attacks underscore the importance of proactive protection and awareness of this growing cyber threat.

Visualisierung einer Ransomware

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